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Doing Life Together

Join a ministry group!


Sunday School
(Ages 3 to Grade 6)


Each Sunday we offer a Sunday School program for our students providing an environment where our students can experience God in a personal way. 

We start the morning with a group worship time, singing, thanksgivings and prayer requests and celebrating birthdays!  We support two sponsored children—Esnart and Alex and the students remember to pray for them each week!   Once a month, members of our Unshakeable Kingdom team and our teens provide a unique and personal service for our younger children, leading in worship, sharing the Word helping deepen their faith and love for Jesus. 

(Grade 7 to Grade 9)


TWEENS is a community of friends for students in Grades 7 to 9. We meet every Sunday morning during the service at 10:30 a.m. and every Friday evening from 7 - 9 p.m.  Our goal is to create a fun, inviting and warm atmosphere for our Junior Youth to learn about God, be mentored via our caring volunteers, and be challenged as they wrestle through scripture, themes, and stories in small groups.


Senior Youth Ministry
(Grade 10 to Grade 12)

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We long to see this generation influencing and changing their world by being young men and women of integrity and character, living out what they believe.  Our mission is to develop and equip passionate youth who will live out the ministry and character of Jesus Christ within their homes, community, and schools.

Our goal with our Senior Youth Ministry is to provide High School students the opportunity to build relationships and grow in what it looks like to live fully devoted to Jesus. The teenage years are pivotal in defining who we are and who we are becoming, and so we aim to make a significant spiritual investment during this critical stage of life.

Our Youth Ministry is built on 3 pillars; Inspiration, Connection and Action.

We hope to challenge the youth to think critically and process different teachings to make it their own. This is done through social atmospheres, games, worship and live messages. We want to provide opportunities where our youth are encouraged to bring friends and enjoy a community where there is opportunity to volunteer; participating in and actively living out their faith.  We meet every Friday evening from 7 - 9 p.m. and Sunday’s at 10:30 a.m.  We love to have fun together, build relationship and make new friends.  We support each other, pray for each other, talk with each other, and seek where God is leading us to follow him in our daily lives.

Student Ministries

At Athabasca Reformed Congregation, we LOVE students!  We believe that some of the hardest stages of anyone's life is during Elementary School and High School, and we want to do everything we can to come alongside students, encourage them, support them, love them, mentor them, and raise them up to realize God's unique plan for their lives! 

We also LOVE parents!  Our goal is to partner with families at every turn.  Student Ministries can never replace what happens in the home, so we want to support families as much as we can with resources, guidance, and relationships.

We believein the potential of young people.  God wants to use students to do amazing things in the world RIGHT NOW, not just later in life.  So we seek to help students find their passion, equip them to follow God's direction in their life, and give them opportunities to develop their gifts. 

Small Groups

Stay connected to the Reformed Church during the week.  Whether its music, serving the community, singleness or bible study; connect with a Small Group that shares your interest.  Most groups consist of 5 - 15 people and meet in homes all over the Athabasca area.

Men's Ministry

Our men, meeting regularly for good food, friendship and to share the Word of God.  They are active and serve the church by:

  • Providing lunches after church for the months of January and July.

  • Preparing suppers, breakfasts and other support services for touring Christian musicians.

  • Preparing and serving meals for participants in a Faithwalking course at our church.

  • Providing volunteer services and resources for community members in need.

Women's Ministry

Our monthly gatherings provide an opportunity to share a meal, encourage friendship and share the Word of God.  Our women’s ministry help provide lunches after church and help prepare suppers and breakfast when needed. 

Married Couples

Strengthening the home is crucial to the health of our church and our community.  We offer biblical, practical instruction on marriage through different venues throughout the year.  These are opportunities for married couples to meet new people, make friends and have fun and be encouraged.

We offer premarital counselling for those considering marriage.

Calling Lake Aboriginal Ministries

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Athabasca Reformed Congregation Welcomes First Nations Minister to Plant Church
And Offers a Way for Canadian Churches to Respond to the Kamloops Discovery
​- Rev. Al Plat

If you’ve ever visited the Reformed Church in Athabasca, Alberta, you may have heard mention of Calling Lake, a First Nations community just 40 minutes North of Athabasca. The town of Calling Lake sits on the shore of the lake of the same name. It is 60 kilometers north of Athabasca, 300 kilometers south of Fort McMurray, and is the seat of the Jean Baptiste Gambler Reserve 183 of the Bigstone Cree Nation.

Athabasca Reformed Congregation began their relationship with the Calling Lake community in 1998, with a Sunday School program hosted by church members. Since then, the relationship has grown to include at times more than 100 people, through youth groups and Vacation Bible School programs. Several part-time staff members and volunteers helped to run programs.

However, as programs have expanded, so did the need for full time leadership. And that’s when God brought Nathan Gullion to our church staff.

Nathan has been serving in Calling Lake now for the past two years as our Student Seminarian. He is of First Nations background himself, and has been warmly welcomed by that community. Up until recently, his work was full time during the summers, and during the school year he offered online Bible Studies and Alpha Courses.

Nathan is no stranger to a life of brokenness, alcoholism, addiction, and incarceration but he was saved by our Lord Jesus Christ some 16 years ago, and understandably now has a real passion to bring the gospel to others in the First Nations community. Now, after having completed his Master of Divinity in June 2021 (at Taylor Seminary in Edmonton), he has started full time at Calling Lake with the goal of planting a church there. He is under care of the Classis of the Canadian Prairies, and is working toward being ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the RCA.


In light of the recent discovery of the burial site of 215 children at the Residential School in Kamloops, we find it providential and timely that Nathan is able to provide a daily pastoral presence to the Calling Lake community. This is a difficult time for the community. We hope that as the province of Alberta lessens its COVID restrictions over the summer, he will be able to start leading regular weekly church services in Calling Lake as early as July.

Planting a new church requires not only time and energy, but also financial support for its pastor. Though we believe that God has been clear in calling us to bring the Gospel to Calling Lake, and has given us Nathan to be the pastor, providing a full-time salary for Nathan is currently beyond the means of the Athabasca Reformed Church. That said, we believe that where God calls, He also provides.

In light of this, and during a sad time when so many Christians are wondering what can we do to help our First Nations people, we are asking all of our Canadian sister churches to consider making a donation or taking a special offering one Sunday to support the First Nations ministry in Calling Lake. Your prayers are also deeply appreciated. Please pray that God would continue to bless and heal the people of Calling Lake, and that Nathan would be filled with the Spirit, so that he may wisely and boldly share the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ to the people of that community. “The one who has called us if faithful, and He will do it.” (1 Thess 5:24)

To find out how you can help the Calling Lake church plant, either through prayer or through financial support, contact Al Plat at arcminis@telus.net.

Widows' and Widowers' Luncheon

Monthly gatherings provide an opportunity for support, encouraging friendship and the sharing of the Word of God. Typically we meet the last Monday of the month, at 12:30.

Stay tuned for information regarding the resumption of our Widow/Widowers Dinners!


Having acquired a former Seniors Lodge as our current church home we reserved our South Wing as guest rooms.  We host guests throughout the year: Athabasca University students, conferences, guest speakers, musical groups, summer ministry teams, refugee families, out-of-town guests who need temporary housing during transitional times in their lives.  

Worship, Sound and Presentation Ministry

The Reformed Church Music Department is united in spirit and in purpose to glorify God, and to humbly serve Him with a spirit of excellence.  

Are you interested in:

  • Providing tech supports for our teams.

  • Balancing sound in our sanctuary.

  • Being a part of a music team.

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these ministries, please contact our church office.


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